GreenER Kilburn

The purpose and intent of this webpage is to provide Parish Residents with links to resources and support that potentially improves our environment and sustainability

This is a community effort so please provide your ideas, input and experiences for inclusion and sharing by contacting

Do you need help understanding recycling symbols? Check out these two articles for explanations:


Don't throw unwanted or un-used items away. Consider donating items to Charity Shops or directing items to specialist re-use/upcycling centres. You can even advertise the item on the Kilburn Community WhatsApp Group. Here are some useful local links:


Water is a precious resource. There are many simple steps we can take to manage consumption and eliminate waste. Here are some useful links:

Energy Conservation

There are many ways to save energy and reduce home energy bills. In many regards the independent UK Energy Saving Trust leads the way. The Home Energy Conservation Act (HECA) 1995 recognises Local Authorities' ability to use their position to assess the needs of their residents in order to improve the energy efficiency of all residential accommodation in their area. Here are some useful links:

Green Home ENERGY

The age of greener and more sustainable home energy sources and use is upon us. Here are some useful links describing the technologies that are available, being developed:

GRants, Incentives & Installers

There are many local and central government grants and other sources of funding to encourage home owners to improve energy efficient and/or implement energy saving technology and upgrade including the purchase and charging of electric and low emission vehicles. Here are some useful links:


Energy Consumer checklist 2020_English.pdf